Welcome :)

Random days in high school, funny stuff here and there, and digital art thingamabobbers for DART class. Enjoy! ^-^

Thursday, December 16, 2010

DART 130 Final :)

Tis it's the end of DART 130, and we had to do a final with 5 choices. I chose to do the taking-pictures-and-editing-and-making-them-look-better choice :P My theme was a Christmas/Winter sort of feeling to it. Someone found a deeper, more defining theme and that was a Christmas/Winter Solitude and I think it's a great theme. Basically, Christmas/Winter Solitude is scenes in which it's away from people or society is out of reach.

So here are the original and edited images:
(Original is first, then the edited :)

I found it funny how with this image, I was unsure what to do but I made the sun light darker with a fog, and added a reindeer and snow :) And even when I was unsure, my teacher commented that this picture seems pretty real since there are no people in the image x)

The class & critics said that this classroom picture didn't really fit with the theme. I worked hard with the white board, removing the chair, and removing all the things I thought could be removed from the image.

This is one of my favorite edits. I had a lot of fun with figuring out what to do, making the snow look real and making the clouds a different color. I removed the car to make it more solitude and added Christmas lights to give a holiday feeling :)

I also got good word in for this edit because rather than having this random house in the background, I added in a Christmas tree instead with a dark background giving the image a night feeling. I loved how I duplicated the right side door to the left to make the doors equal. I like this one :)

But this image is my absolute favorite. You can't see it, but WAAYYY FARRR in the distance, there was a car there. I removed that, and added in a fence by using the clone stamp. I was happy x) And this image I think I worked the hardest because there was so much I could work with. And the end product made me really happy :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

More Art Pieces from DART class

A simple layer for a fake website.

An awesome looking Mandala made from a woman's and baby's face :D

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Story Telling Comic"

Another DART homework :) 'Cept I got carried away with my sister's pictures so much that I didn't make much of a story :P Oh well, I like it =)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Single Box Cartoon

I couldn't come up with anything, but here's something short and simple :D

Supposedly.. it's supposed to tell some kind of story. I guess this one kind of does... >.>

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More Digital Images Done In Photoshop ^-^

Yes, Youtube is awesome.
Whoo! More images! Lol..

The teacher of my DART class told us to use the "Vanishing Point" in Photoshop. Basically there's some point where practically everything "vanishes." Hard to explain.. but anyway, you could easily put an image (like the Youtube logo) and put it on the back of a truck. Not to shabby right?

To make the image have the texture of the truck, the Blending Change was changed to Multiply. It worked! Whoo.
This image was inspired by the Celebrating of the Passing of Spring. Takes some of the same aspects of it but into my own point of view :)

& if you're wondering why I type these long paragraphs.. well....

seriously and honestly...

I get bored. :P

On My Friend's Mac Typing About Boots :D

So... I have a TA period, but... nothing to do :D So I'll just type about what happened on Sunday & this morning....

My grandma and uncle called my mom to go to my grandma's house so my mom woke me up around 9 a.m. I took a shower, did all those morning food eating breathing stuff and left the house. After we ate food, (delicious food for your information) we went to Kohls' and there were NO boots that didn't have some sort of heel or wedge that was WAY too high for my poor little ankles. I figured, I'll just babysit and give up, but I REALLY wanted boots so after Kohls' we went to TJ Maxx. The real reason why I wanted to get some boots 'cause... idk. I just felt like getting boots because my mom had some & I wore it and it was really comfy so I wanted my own :)

We looked around for a thirty LONG minutes, with my younger sisters running around the store, my mom had  finally found these cute brown boots that was practically the perfect length for capris and this one pair of jeans I have, but...

Yesterday (Monday), I made sure my mom washed more jeans so I brought down the basket of dirty laundry.. I even dried them for her since I know she does a lot around the house. ( For the record, I do chores around the house, just sometimes, when I have homework or I'm sick or I'm babysitting of something, they're my excuses to not do chores. But... I always feel bad so I end up helping in some way :P )

This morning (Tuesday), I felt really happy and excited to wear my news boots to school for the first time. There was one thing I didn't know...

I put on a cute top, proudly put on the jeans I thought would be perfect for boots, because they're sort of like skinny jeans but they're straight and skinny enough so that it looks like skinny jeans. But anyway, I wore my boots around the house, and didn't feel much too much discomfort, except that the right boot hurt my big toe a bit.. As I walked to the bus stop and I thought "maybe I've got to break them in first.." I sat next to my friend and checked if my boots really needed to be broken in or what, but I matched them up and guess what?? THEY'RE TWO DIFFERENT FREAKING SIZES!! I was soooooooooo pissed. I swear I told at least 10 people about this situation, 'cept of course a shorter version... kind of. xD

I think at some point during the day, while I told some of my friends the story, I said something along the lines of "I swear.. the cashier said that he couldn't give my mom a discount because 'he's not the manger' and I all I could think was 'then go get the manager!' but my mom didn't give a crap anymore so she just paid the price on the boot. He was such a ding dong! Okay, I was too since I didn't check the boot, but hey, some little things you forget and me nor my mom thought of that while we were buying the boot 'cause I only tried the left one, and it fit find. Gahh.... that cashier is such an idiot.."

So a very important note to anyone and everyone, when you buy any kinds of shoes, boots, heels, professional shoes, tennis shoes, just any kind of shoes...Try both shoes on and make sure they're both the same size.

I'm sure some of you think, "why didn't you try on both?" Sometimes.. there are little things you miss or forget about, and that's exactly what I forgot about :/ I learned my lesson :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Another Poster Done From a Photoshop Tutorial :)

GOSH! I am soooo happy I finished this one. It took hours! I came home, changed my sister's poopie diaper (yes poopie xD), ate a little, then sat at the computer and started working.

I really liked the look of the tutorial, but looks can be deceiving 'cause when I actually started working on it, the tutorial didn't leave much room to make it your own, but I managed to still make it me. :) 

You'll notice a lot of the different parts such as the birds, floral & grass parts and the texture of the background are different from the original end product. And of course, if you haven't noticed already, the border just has to be purple because that's my favorite color :) 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Photoshop Poster Tutorials

So.. for DART class we either had to make Uptown poster or 2 Photoshop poster tutorials. I'm sure I'll try to make an Uptown poster, but maybe later :)

I've finished 2 out of about 5 poster tutorials I found that I'd like to try....& here they are :)
I'm sure I'll find WAY more later on :)

The original link is under each "description" for reference :)

Not spoon, fork xP

If you click the link, you'll see that the original image has the word "SPOON." I tried different words like "BLARB," and "YELLOW" but nothing worked so nicely as "SPOON." So then I figured, how about "FORK?" Makes sense, right? :P And this is how it turned out :)

I think it looks cool :P

This tutorial attracted my attention because it was so simple yet it changed images to an extent of pure amazing-ness :P I used the original to see how the affect would turn out and I actually like it a lot better than the original final on the website :)

Then I convinced myself to try it with an image I took a picture of some clouds and used the Vintage Effect tutorial (while of course putting my own twist to it) and it turned out pretty well. Here are the before & after results :)


More to come :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Funny things happen during class xD & on shows. lol

So... during class today.. the funniest things happen...

my teacher said that she's the Nazi of the class, all I thought was "well, I'm dead.." xD
Taylor went to drink some soda, I looked and laughed, then soda came out his nose, hahaa... (for the record, I didn't even get to see!)
at some point, Taylor said that "is it just me or is the room getting hot?" my teacher responded in song "it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.." XD Funniest thing I've ever heard...

HA! Then yesterday, I was watching Raising Hope where a young boy reproduces a baby with a female prisoner (but she ends up dying so the baby is his), but during Halloween when his Maw Maw (great grandma) eats too much candy, she goes crazy (even though she's pretty nuts already) and acts like a 9 year old. Haha.. it gets better.. Maw Maw puts on her Halloween costume but puts it on backwards so the tail looks like a... you know what I mean.. haha.. and so the mom says "she looks like a transvestite ninja." I couldn't help but literally laugh on the floor. xD

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Digital Art Images from my DART class :)

An edited, black & white image of Abraham Lincoln that I colored in and liquefied and distorted

An edited image of Andy Warhol

This was an attempt at making the words look they're on water

A "frankenpet" cat with koala ears, a pig nose and a cheetah's tail pattern

An old image fixed and colored in

 A "frankenpet" man with a dog's head, frog eyes, rabbit ears AND shark teeth