Welcome :)

Random days in high school, funny stuff here and there, and digital art thingamabobbers for DART class. Enjoy! ^-^

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Funny things happen during class xD & on shows. lol

So... during class today.. the funniest things happen...

my teacher said that she's the Nazi of the class, all I thought was "well, I'm dead.." xD
Taylor went to drink some soda, I looked and laughed, then soda came out his nose, hahaa... (for the record, I didn't even get to see!)
at some point, Taylor said that "is it just me or is the room getting hot?" my teacher responded in song "it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.." XD Funniest thing I've ever heard...

HA! Then yesterday, I was watching Raising Hope where a young boy reproduces a baby with a female prisoner (but she ends up dying so the baby is his), but during Halloween when his Maw Maw (great grandma) eats too much candy, she goes crazy (even though she's pretty nuts already) and acts like a 9 year old. Haha.. it gets better.. Maw Maw puts on her Halloween costume but puts it on backwards so the tail looks like a... you know what I mean.. haha.. and so the mom says "she looks like a transvestite ninja." I couldn't help but literally laugh on the floor. xD

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