Welcome :)

Random days in high school, funny stuff here and there, and digital art thingamabobbers for DART class. Enjoy! ^-^

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More Digital Images Done In Photoshop ^-^

Yes, Youtube is awesome.
Whoo! More images! Lol..

The teacher of my DART class told us to use the "Vanishing Point" in Photoshop. Basically there's some point where practically everything "vanishes." Hard to explain.. but anyway, you could easily put an image (like the Youtube logo) and put it on the back of a truck. Not to shabby right?

To make the image have the texture of the truck, the Blending Change was changed to Multiply. It worked! Whoo.
This image was inspired by the Celebrating of the Passing of Spring. Takes some of the same aspects of it but into my own point of view :)

& if you're wondering why I type these long paragraphs.. well....

seriously and honestly...

I get bored. :P

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