Welcome :)

Random days in high school, funny stuff here and there, and digital art thingamabobbers for DART class. Enjoy! ^-^

Monday, November 1, 2010

Another Poster Done From a Photoshop Tutorial :)

GOSH! I am soooo happy I finished this one. It took hours! I came home, changed my sister's poopie diaper (yes poopie xD), ate a little, then sat at the computer and started working.

I really liked the look of the tutorial, but looks can be deceiving 'cause when I actually started working on it, the tutorial didn't leave much room to make it your own, but I managed to still make it me. :) 

You'll notice a lot of the different parts such as the birds, floral & grass parts and the texture of the background are different from the original end product. And of course, if you haven't noticed already, the border just has to be purple because that's my favorite color :) 

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